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chatgpt api接口请求出现429错误的解决方法

发表在 新手指南/使用教程 2023-4-24 18:23:37 上一主题 下一主题 0 3441

使用chatgpt  api接口请求出现429错误,官方说明:

  • 429 - Rate limit reached for requests 429 -请求已达到速率限制
  • 429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details 429 -您已超出当前配额,请检查您的计划和账单详细信息
  • 429 - The engine is currently overloaded, please try again later 429 -发动机当前过载,请稍后再试
  • 简单来说就是请求太多,不让进


API errors API 错误[td]
401 - Invalid Authentication 401 -验证无效Cause: Invalid Authentication 原因:无效身份验证 Solution: Ensure the correct API key and requesting organization are being used.解决方案:确保使用正确的API密钥和请求组织。
401 - Incorrect API key provided 401 -提供的API密钥不正确Cause: The requesting API key is not correct.原因:请求的API密钥不正确。Solution: Ensure the API key used is correct, clear your browser cache, or generate a new one. 解决方案:确保使用的API密钥正确,清除浏览器缓存,或生成一个新的。
401 - You must be a member of an organization to use the API 401 -您必须是组织的成员才能使用APICause: Your account is not part of an organization.原因:您的帐户不属于组织。Solution: Contact us to get added to a new organization or ask your organization manager to invite you to an organization. 解决方案:联系我们以添加到新组织,或要求您的组织经理邀请您加入组织。
429 - Rate limit reached for requests 429 -请求已达到速率限制Cause: You are sending requests too quickly. 原因:您发送请求的速度太快 Solution: Pace your requests. Read the Rate limit guide.解决方案:加快你的请求。阅读速率限制指南。
429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details 429 -您已超出当前配额,请检查您的计划和账单详细信息Cause: You have hit your maximum monthly spend (hard limit) which you can view in the account billing section.原因:您已达到您的最大每月支出(硬限制),您可以在帐户结算部分查看。 Solution: Apply for a quota increase. 解决办法:申请增加配额。
429 - The engine is currently overloaded, please try again later 429 -服务器当前过载,请稍后再试Cause: Our servers are experiencing high traffic.原因:我们的服务器正在经历高流量。Solution: Please retry your requests after a brief wait. 解决方案:请在短暂等待后重试您的请求。
500 - The server had an error while processing your request 500 -服务器在处理您的请求时出错Cause: Issue on our servers. 原因:我们的服务器上的问题。Solution: Retry your request after a brief wait and contact us if the issue persists. Check the status page. 解决方案:在短暂等待后重试您的请求,如果问题仍然存在,请与我们联系。检查状态页面。


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